11 June, 2010

A dare devil motorcyclist

Robert was a dare devil on his motorcycle. Often he tried to go as fast as he could imitating the style of the riders he had seen on television.

He was a
reckless rider. He had no helmet on and his feet shod only with a pair of slippers. When taking corners , he would lean his motorcycle until his knee almost scraped the road. He was exposing himself to great danger but he seemed unaware of it.

He was a
menace on the road, taking big risks thus endangering his own life and that of other road-users. He had many narrow escapes but he never learned from them.

Finally, one day his luck ran out. He failed to negotiate a corner properly and crashed into a hole beside the road. Consequently he was flung from his motorcycle and smack into a drain. That was the end of a dare devil motorcyclist.

To day all that is left of Robert is a marker above his cave to serve as a
grim reminder to those who would ride their motorcycles recklessly.

dare devil : a person who is prepared to take dangerous risks , especially in a
careless way . 蛮勇之人,冒失鬼

reckless : hasty or careless . 轻率的,鲁莽的

menace : a threat or danger 威胁,危险

grim : causing great fear or anxiety 令人害怕的

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