11 June, 2010

My birthday party

Yesterday was my 11th birthday. My mother promised to give me a birthday party.

Early in the morning, my mother, my sister and I woke up to prepare for the party. My mother baked a bigcake and prepared some delicious food while my sister and I decorated the house.

At two in the afternoon, my friends arrived. They brought many presents for me and wished me HappyBirthday. We played "Pass the parcel" and enjoyed ourselves very much.

After that, we ate the delicious food on the table. When we had finished eating, my friends sang the "Happy Birthday" song and I cut the cake. Then, I opened all the presents. The presents were simply wonderful. There were toys, board games, pencil boxes and a camera.

For the rest of the afternoon, we continued playing games like blindman's bluff, balloon fight and a few more. Prizes were given to the winners of each game